Sabado, Hulyo 5, 2014

4 A's Lesson Plan

Lesson Plan in Science V
Grade V

I.             Objectives
At the end of the class period, the pupils should be able to:

a.       Identify rocks according to its characteristics,
b.      Classify the rocks collected according to texture, hardness and colour using the key
c.       Participate actively in the class discussion

I.              Subject Matter
A.      Topic: Classifying Rocks Using the Key
B.      Science Ideas: Rocks are classified on the basis of their physical characteristics such as color, hardness and texture
C.      Scince Process: Classifying and observing
D.      Value Focus: Coopration
E.       Materials: Rock Samples, Manila paper, marking pen and magnifying lens
F.       Reference PELC-VI-2-2-1; Into the future Science and Health5 pp. 198-199.

II.           Developmental Activities

A. Pre-Activity
 1.    Science Word Drill
Rocks, sand, stones, wheel and axle screw

2.    Motivation
Each group will be giveb  cut-out puzzle. The first to finish will be the winner.
-          What did you form out of this puzzle? Where can you find rocks? How do you rocks differ from one another?

                B. Activity Proper
                     a. Group Activity
                     b. setting of standards
                     c. distribution of the activity sheets
                     d. publishing and reporting

                C. Analysis/Discussion
             *          What is rock?
             *           How did you classify rocks in you activity?
             *            How do rocks differ?
             *            How are they similar
             *            Why rocks do looks different from one another?
              *       Are rocks important? Why?
 .             D.  Abstraction/Generalization
             *      How can rocks be classified?
              E.. Valuing
               *       Did everyone participate in the activity?
              *      What trait did you show when you were doing your group work?                  (cooperation)
             *      Why is cooperation in important in any group work

      F.       Application

                Draw rocks in manila paper, after you finished drawing, make a jingle or poem                nor song about your output.

III.                Evaluation
Direction: Choose the letter of the correct answer and write it in the space provided.

      ______1.The grade five children had a field trip. They collected different                kinds of rocks. They got rocks with different colors. Some rocks were                 smooth and some rough.. Some were big,, some were small. What does              these show about rocks?

         a.       Rocks have different characteristics.
         b.      All rocks have the same color.
         c.       Rocks have the same color
         d.      Rocks have different fossils in them.

       ______2.  How can you classify rocks? Through its ____________.
    a.       Texture                                 b. hardness
   c.      Color                                     d. all of the above
      ______3.  Why physical characteristics of rock can be observed by eyes?
   a.       Texture                                 b. hardness
   c.      Color                                     d. prosperity
______4. In which of the characteristics describe the texture of rocks?
a.       rough                                            b. green
     c.       crumble                                          d. smooth

IV.                Assignment
Direction: Search or find the three kinds of  rocks. Write the meaning of three kinds and give examples. (It can be printed or drawing. 


Digital Skills refers to the ability to manipulate effectively with the range of  technologies.

These skills are Solution fluency, Information Fluency, Collaboration  Fluency, Media  Fluency, Creativity  Fluency and Digital Ethics.

*Solution Fluency - . It tells on how we think properly to solve a problem. It requires whole brain thinking and design the appropriate solution.

*Information Fluency - the ability to determine and strain the important facts where an individual is not only copying the information but analyzing.

*Collaboration  Fluency - from the word it self collaborate, means to work with a partner nor in  group where everyone is sharing their thoughts, ideas and knowledge using online technologies.

*Media Fluency - where an individual knows how to manipulate technologies such as radio, television, magazines, advertising, graphic arts digital sources effectively.

*Creativity  Fluency - the ability to think accurately with your own style and idea. The originality of a person to create and do things with his own expertise. 

*Digital Ethics - it is knowing the responsibility as a citizen, that he is accountable in his/her each actions nor thoughts even words. everything has an effect to an individual either good or bad

These skills are must be develop to become more competent and skillful individual in his/her chosen field

Positive and negative effect of Facebook

FACEBOOK, is one of the websites that serves not just a tool online, but has a huge part of a person's live’s.

It connects people such as families most specially those parents who works abroad. With this website they became updated on what’s happening in their family members. It helps to find and locate person all over the countries of the world. Chat and video call is one of the features of this said website which bridge distance of the communication more accessible. Posting different  picture that signifies events and happy memories. Self esteemed will be boost if someone likes nor appreciate  it. thus makes you feel pretty just the way you are. Here you can advertise your business without paying taxes and a whole lot more.
Yes, Facebook is useful yet it can be addictive the features it have can make an individual hook so you'll do nothing yet only browsing the internet with Facebook. The experiences are not real most specially with this so called “Real Social Interaction” for you are not having a real face to face human talk or conversation. Some people are not sensitive when it comes in posting there, neither status nor picture and some of the users are age sensitive. Cyber bullying can also be associated with these site where some would degrade you and some will annoy you. Opportunist people are also here where they  do spam. Crimes are also here as well as some pervert people who would make fun of you. Haters are here also.

As a user of this social site everyone must be aware of what he/she will do, for a small action can create a big effects to other people.

A chart differentiating the past 30 years of generation and the new digital generation.

The century goes on, goes on and on, seems like the world is in the process of rapid transition and changes. Which brought different kinds of revolution both in technologies and way of living for races of human beings. Before a house made of woods then became a cemented and modern house. Let us see some of the changes

Before kids reads and love books but nowadays they prefer reading through using computers or I-pads with the use of different kinds of website applications.Books are the sources of information way back then but now information is just a click away. Everyone has an access of free information whenever they want and wherever they are; books are hoarded in the library. People before do loves communicating to one another. A real social interaction as means of communication but in today's time we use Facebook, Skype and cacao talk. sending a mail is one of the means of communication, to send and say some important matters but with today's application  there is so called "Yahoo Mail" where you can e mail the person as soon as you want to and you can receive the answer quickly. Teachers before uses a traditional ways of teaching their students but in today's time teacher uses computers in teaching their class. they are more equip and skillful than those of the before's educator. Type writing your documents way back then is the best option you have but now computers are invented with the different kinds of fonts and  more accurate than with type writer.

Changes may occur in past the past 30 years, it goes to show that humans are so creative.

How will you bridge the gap of the students in the future generation, the generation Y and Z?

Generation Y and Z both came from the different kinds of era. An era where different behaviors, attitude, opinions, social values and knowledge will emerge together with the unavoidable progress of time and of technologies where new ideas, beliefs and values will be introduced. Generation Y is more familiar with the technologies on how to manipulate and navigate than the Z generation. 

Bridging the gap is not that easy. It must be organized so it will address and cater the needs of two different generations.

·     Conference. Come up with a  and meet those students. Let them have a conversation that will establish a harmonious relationship with one another, to let them know how they differ and how they can help one another.

·     Technology. Let them manipulate and navigate technologies. They may learn to use it step by step but we can apply here John Dewey’s principle of learning by doing. This will boost up their eagerness to learn with this thing so called “Self-help”. 
 ·        Human interaction. I believe learning through interaction is important. Giving and receiving feedback is a vital in learning. There you can assess and evaluate how successful your strategies are.

    ·   Work Ethics.  Both generation has their different concept and ways on making some            tasks. Let them work together, collaboration of ideas and team work.

How can you prepare yourself as future digital teacher?

Preparing myself as a future digital teacher is a challenge for me, for in this rapid time of change I must be equip with knowledge and skills to become more effective and competent. 

I must learn how to manipulate computers, know and develop the digital skills such as the fluencies namely Collaboration, MediaCreativity, Solution, Information fluencies and Digital ethics. Practice Animations, visualizations and simulations with the use of technologies to offer participative ways of learning. Develop my strategies as well as my communication skills.

As a future teacher I must be more confident and competent in the use of digital technologies to come up with many new and innovative ideas.

Sabado, Hunyo 21, 2014


Do you support information technology revolution?

I consider myself that I belong to digital technology generation because with growth and trends in our society it develops me in becoming competent and effective individual in our society. In this case of learning it paves the exploration of information, redefining and broadening the understanding the practices, principles and theories we have. It helps me to become more literate, creative with the participation of the skills which aids the gap and bridging the information needed so that I may become a better and effective educator in the near future.

Do you support information technology revolution?

As the century goes on, it seems like the world is in the process of rapid transition. The revolution features many changes. It develops inputs, information related activities, and the communication has been uplifted as well as empowerment of the free and just humanity.
Yes, I support the information technology revolution because it caters the growing demand and supplies the information needed of an individual in dealing people and also in the educational system for it paves the development it truly deserves. The information is made available to all, everyone has the access on the information they needed. It develops the readership of an individual. I support this revolution by using technologies.

The revolution of information technology became an umbrella of change in the educational system of the world. There is too much to learn, too much to know yet before our knowledge is marginalized unlike these times information were exposed and can be found in the website exploding. Books were hoarded in the libraries for some would read and some don’t. The revolution is inviting us, the teachers and the students  to such greater opportunities that can lead on acquisition of further knowledge, skills and break out the boundaries of the four corners of our classrooms and explore the stories and information of the world. It also builds the capacity of a student to learn by him/herself and allows handling information by them. 

Teachers who will engage to the new trends and techniques are not box with the traditional ways of teachings yet use it as the basis and use digital technologies to enhance teaching, the education became globalize and the teachers became competent, more effective and efficient. 

Most teachers used multi-media technology which presents the information not in verbiage but in interesting manner. There we can find animations; visualizations and simulations which encourage the students to participate herewith students can understand some of the boring subjects for it became lively. Information is knowledge and the knowledge itself is our power. Equip with knowledge plus experience is called wisdom and if it is use wisely it becomes our edge to others.